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更新时间:2011.06.25 浏览次数:

Generator A generator is a machine which converts rotating mechanical energy into electrical energy.
发电机 发电机是把(旋转)机械能转化为电能的装置。

Governor A governor is a device on the engine which controls fuel to maintain a constant engine speed under various load conditions. The governor must have provision for adjusting speed (generator frequency) and speed droop (no load to full load).
调速器 调速器是安装在发动机上的一个装置,在不同的负载条件下通过控制燃料量来保持发动机的恒定转速。调速器必须具备转速调整(发电机频率)和降速降调整(零负荷到满负荷)功能。

Grid The utility-owned power distribution system.
电网 电网是指电厂的电力输送系统。

Ground A ground is a connection, either intentional or accidental, between an electrical circuit and the earth or some conducting body serving in place of the earth.
接地 接地是电路与地面或地面上的导体的连接,可以是有意的也可以是意外的。

Ground Fault Protection This function trips (opens) a circuit breaker or sounds an alarm in the event that there is an electrical fault between one or more of the phase conductors and ground (earth). This ground fault protection function may be incorporated into a circuit breaker.
接地故障保护 当一个或多个相导线与地之间出现电气故障时,接地故障保护通过跳脱断路器或报警来示警。这种功能可以一体化设计在断路器上。

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